
Archive for the ‘boost’ Category

The future standard extension (some of it is described in the Technical Report on C++ Standard Library Extensions – TR1) is going to include many libraries already contained within boost. One such library is boost’s Smart Pointers.

In this post I would like to show an interesting use-case of the smart_ptr class, through what I consider to be a less commonly known constructor.

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boost::optional is a very handy generalization of returning a null when there’s nothing to return. Consider a function such as strstr – either the required sub-string is found within the given string, in which case a pointer to it is returned, or a NULL value is returned to indicate that there was no such sub-string. In terms of boost::optional we would either return the same pointer to the occurrence of that sub-string (as before), or we would simply return nothing – no value at all. In this post we will demonstrate the usage of boost::optional and discuss its implementation.

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